Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Never Again…Again Part 1

I woke up Sat morning to the news Israel was under attack. I learned almostimmediately it was not an attack. It was an invasion....

Yom Kippur – Plan B

5784 / 2023 It’s Yom Kippur again. It’s time to deal with Teshuva again. We usually think of Teshuva as repentance. Actually, it means...

High Holiday…PS

Hope everyone had a spiritual holiday and an easy fast. I have written about the meaning and importance of the High Holidays before: introspection,...

Dementia Defense

I had mixed feelings about watching AG Garland’s testimony before Congress yesterday. I caved. It didn’t take long before the mood was set and...

Sweet Little Lies

As of today, Ron DeSantis has been a disappointing presidential candidate. I think he’s a good governor, if for no other reason than his...