Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

This is purely an opinion piece. It is based on appearances and my impressions. No one checks in with me. First, the security breach and delayed response by the military. On Oct 7, approximately 2500 Hamas terrorists crossed into Israel on motorbikes and hang gliders. It took almost 7 hours for the military to respond…..impossible! But that’s what happened. I believe the security nodes (main points that transmit info) were disabled. Remember, just my opinion, but it would explain the breach and delay. No warning was ever sent.

Two questions have to be asked: Who has the ability to do that and who has the motivation? No, not Hamas, not Iran……….China. Their technology is 2nd to none. Motive? They know the consequences and sequence of events of the attack: Israel takes out Hamas and levels Gaza; Hezbollah and Iran escalate into a regional conflict; US allocates $ and weapons to Israel…..further depleting our own resources. Taiwan is on the clock. Philippines, Guam sleep with 1 eye open. I believe China’s role in this will become more apparent in the coming weeks and months.

Today we are witnessing the destruction of Hamas, but that is only phase 1. Phase 2 has to be taking Iran out of the oil business. For 75 years, Israel has employed a “mow the lawn” strategy. Take out rocket launchers, headquarters, and leaders. But they always come back, funded by Iran. That can no longer be allowed. Iran must no longer be in the oil business. No, sanctions won’t work. Never have, especially if you don’t enforce them. Phase 3 is what to do with Gaza. Hmmm, this is not the 1st time a culture needed to be rebuilt. Following WW2, a multination effort called the Marshal Plan did just that for Germany. What is needed is a Marshal Plan 2.0. Pan Arab $. The design and construction to be performed by Palestinians. A new country built by Palestinians for Palestinians. After completion, a peace and trade agreement with Israel. Can you spell Abraham Accords?

One more thing…..only because I can’t help it. This war has set a record. It took years before Holocaust deniers surfaced. This time, only days. “Not true, no proof, Israeli propaganda, AI. Goebbels and Orwell would be proud. “The more society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” Orwell

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