Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

The real problem with CRT is not that it is in conflict with “our cherished mythologies.” (their words). It is in conflict with historical facts and truth, which we do cherish. It is divisive and dishonest. Its goal is to brainwash our children and change us from a culture of, by, and for the people to one of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Yes, the American experiment is at risk!

“We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…” The 1st line of the Constitution says it all….”a MORE perfect union…” Our Founders never intended to create a perfect union, only a MORE perfect one from where they came. Where success or failure was determined at birth, not by color, but by status. Where there were no inalienable rights, only those granted by the king. Where the government was of, by, and for the king, not of, by, and for the people.

It was Spring, 1787. The Revolution was won. But there was no peace because there was no Federal government. Leaders such as Washington, Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, Madison had been in talks since 1781 with few solutions. The 13 colonies were on the verge of anarchy. Something had to be done….fast. They convened a new Continental Convention. They knew failure was possible but not an option. The Constitution was ratified in 1789. The reason? Our Founders put country over ego and compromise over arrogance.

It wasn’t easy. They disagreed about everything….on how power should be divided, how Senators and Representatives should be chosen, how much power the executive and courts should have, and, yes, slavery. There were 100s more. The fact is the Founders did the best they could at the time to get it done. It took 8 years of negotiation and compromise. As far as slavery goes, when they wrote “all men are created equal,” did they mean only white men? Yes! The southern states wanted to legalize slavery. The northern wanted to make it illegal. The compromise?…..leave it out completely.

Our Founders were aware the Constitution was less than perfect. Is that my opinion? No! Why am I so sure? Because they made provisions within the Constitution for improvements by future generations. They are called Amendments. Did they prevent the KKK, Dred Scott, Jim Crow laws….no. But it did produce the 13-15th Amendments and other civil rights laws.

It paved the way for Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and MLK. Over the last 4000 years, there have been several civilizations we consider “great.” All, yes all, embraced slavery. (FYI, Mohammed owned slaves. I guess, by CRT standards, Islam is a racist religion! Hmmm.) None attempted to end it….except one. Only one has a supreme legal document which makes it illegal. Only one fought a war against itself to end it. The TRUTH is America has become the most successful, powerful, desirable civilization in history NOT because of slavery. Our success is due to 3 things, and only 3 things: Judeo/Christian tradition, capitalism, and the Constitution. PERIOD!

We are indeed a nation “conceived in liberty,” not in bondage. I am the 1st to admit that our Founders were imperfect…but they tried. And today, we are still trying. Those “racists” who wrote our founding documents also signed a pledge “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor” (last line of the Declaration of Independence), did so not to preserve their lives, but at the risk of their lives. They bravely and honorably and brilliantly created a country of citizens, not subjects. They wrote the Constitution not only to deal with a crisis of the moment, but as a guide. By any standard, we have succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.

Note to CRT’ers: Your goal is not to “correct historic lies.” You can’t because you don’t know the truth. Yours is not a historical discipline but a political ideology of racial pessimism. And you can’t fix racism with racism! Spare me your bias, ½ truths, lack of knowledge, propaganda, righteous indignation, and ill intent. Get real…and I do mean real. Realize that while others are risking their lives to get here, you won the lottery by being born here.

“Posterity!! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to
preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.” -John Adams

One thought on “It’s Not Just Black and White-Part 3”
  1. You’re in the wrong profession. You should be a lecturer about true American values which should apply to everyone regardless of political beliefs.

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