Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Sweet Little Lies

As of today, Ron DeSantis has been a disappointing presidential candidate. I think he’s a good governor, if for no other reason than his actions during covid. He’s taken some hits in Florida, most recently for the new curriculum on slavery.

“…in the State of Florida, they decided middle school students will be taught that enslaved people benefited from slavery.” 

That is a quote from VP Harris at a Black sorority convention, Sigma Delta Theta. It is so blatantly untrue that it can only be described as cynical and deliberate. Yet, that is what is being reported in the media, social, network, and paper. Taken by itself, without reading the ENTIRE curriculum, one might conclude they are right. The actual quote is:

“…slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” The teachers’ union complained “this a step backward,” “he’s cheating our kids,” they deserve the full truth.” 

Taken out of context, referring to 1 item out of 191, one might conclude they are right. Read the whole damn thing and then talk to me!!

The last quote is the only one I agree….the whole truth. Before I go on, there’s another book (actually 5 books) that says the punishment for adultery is stoning, that instructs in great detail the rules for animal sacrifice, and permits slavery! Ban it, I say! Ban it! Oops, it’s the Old Testament. I’m so sorry. I guess I took them out of context and didn’t explain the meaning behind them. Shame on me.

But I digress. The scope of Harris’ falsehood is so breathtaking, I had trouble working out how to best illustrate it. So here are just a few examples of almost 200 directives, descriptions, and examinations from the new curriculum: The conditions for Africans during their passage to America; The conditions for slaves in North, Central, and South America, including infant mortality rates; How the South tried to prevent slaves from escaping and their efforts to end the Underground Railroad; The many ways in which Africans resisted slavery; The ramifications of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on individual freedom; The Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th , 14th , and 15th Amendments; Study the judicial and legislative actions concerning slavery; The contributions of Africans to society, science, politics, literature, music, and Christianity; Ramifications of the Dred Scott Decision and the 3/5 Compromise; the early and modern Civil Rights Movements including Frederick Douglass, MLK, and John Lewis. The full curriculum is available online along with the teaching of the Holocaust.

I used our VP to make a larger point. No, it’s not that for the 1st time she is coherent also wrong. If you can read this article and still conclude that Harris’ statement is accurate and not designed to mislead, then I suggest you deserve to live your life misinformed. Yes, yes, I know….harsh….but I’m frustrated. I have been saying for years that we have such easy access to information, we have become lazy and accept the 1st thing we see, hear, or read. Others’ opinions become ours. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had discussions where I ask
“have you read the law, the study, the transcript?” Never, never is the answer “yes.” The discussion usually ends when I observe, “When I grew up, if I needed information or had a question, the answer was not on my phone!” Yes, I know, I know I can be obnoxious. But I’m frustrated, sad, and have had enough. There is an epidemic of 3rd party information and opinions that people accept blindly.

When you offer opinions, at least have the courtesy and self-respect to make them yours! READ THE DAMN DOCS TO FORM YOUR OWN OPINION!! You may be right or wrong, but at least they’re informed opinions and they are yours.

“We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom.” -E.O. Wilson

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