Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

There are moments in life that define us. We don’t always get to pick and choose them. This may be 1 such moment. All I hear is Israel must be patient. Israel must be tolerant. Israel must negotiate. Israel must make concessions. Israel is always on the defensive being insulted, threatened, and challenged to justify their existence. Well, I’ve had enough. I have some questions for Palestinians, Iran, and all other terrorist groups before I think Israel should accept peace.

1-Does Israel have a right to exist as a Jewish? 2- Will you stop using humanitarian aid for weapons? 3-What concessions, exactly, are you prepared to make for peace? 4- If a deal is signed, how will you enforce it? 5- If a deal is signed, will you announce, in Arabic, that this ends all conflict? 6- If a deal is signed, will you order all radical to stop glorifying terrorists, stop calling for the destruction of Israel, rip up in public the Hamas Charter? 7- Will you admit that Hamas is not a social justice, but a criminal organization? Will you admit that Israel is not the cause of Palestinian problems, not their jailer, not the reason for their 3 rd world existence?
8-Will you admit that those living in Sheik Jarrah (settlements) were not tenants but squatters who hadn’t paid rent for decades? 8- Will you stop teaching children to hate Jews? 9- Will you remove from your textbooks that Israel is “occupied Palestine?”

Message to Palestinians: The reason you are suffering today, the reason there is hatred between Hamas and Israel has nothing to do with anything Israel does or does not do. The disputes are not with Israel. They are with Israel’s existence. Israel uses rockets to defend their people. Hamas uses people to defend their rockets. They may never stop lying to you, but you can stop believing them.

Message for Israel: We usually associate peace with non-violence. But sometimes when evil raises its ugly head there are no peaceful solutions. The Hitlers of the world cannot be met with the Neville Chamerlains. Evil knows no appeasement. That is what we are witnessing today in the Middle East. I don’t want to hear about restraint or a proportionate response…..extreme force and aggression is the proportionate response. Actually, that is the Jewish tradition. We are not, nor ever have been, the “turn the other cheek” people. There are times when goodness and truth and morality have to take a stand…..and this is that time…..it
will define us.

In Part 5, final thoughts.

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