Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Anti-Semitism has made headlines recently because of comments from Rep Ilhan Omar from Minn. I am astonished by the disagreement as to whether her remarks are anti-Semitic or not. In a recent op ed in the Sun Sentinel, a very well educated American Jew said, “Omar criticized US govt’s support for Israeli actions that break international law.” Omar, herself, claims that her condemnations of Israel do not mean she is hostile toward the Jewish people. Hmmm, really? Is she right? Are criticisms like Israel’s actions “break international law” or calls to “end the occupation,” legitimate or anti-Semitic? It is important to be able to distinguish between the two. Short answer, yes, they are anti-Semitic but not classic anti-Semitism. It is subtle and more difficult to expose. 

First, more Jews in Israel criticize Israeli politics and policies than anywhere else. Every criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism can be difficult to recognize because it changes from era to era. 2000 years ago Jews were killing Jesus. Today Jews are violating international law. One way to approach it is as Justice Potter Stewart did when asked to define pornography: “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it.” More help was given to us by Israeli politician, refusenik, Natan Sharansky. He listed 3Ds, which are a good gauge: de-legitimization, demonization, and double standard.

DE-LEGITIMIZATION refers to the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, to the existence of Israel as a JEWISH STATE. Any denial of that, from judenrein of the 1930s to judenstaatrein of the 21st century is anti-Semitism. DEMONIZATION refers to Jews as being evil or satanic for being born Jewish. From blood libels to Farrakhan, if a Jewish conspiracy is to blame for what’s wrong, it’s anti-Semitism. DOUBLE STANDARD refers to a different set of rules or moral standards being applied to Israel as opposed to the rest of the world. BDS, for example, singles out Israel while ignoring Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, N. Korea, et al. Anti-Semitism, pure and simple. 

Perhaps two current examples will help to make it more clear. Rep Ilhan Omar has accused American Jews of having a “dual loyalty” and American Middle East policy being bought by contributions from “supporters of Israel” (code for Jews). She ignores contributions from other nations with local lobby groups, from Saudi Arabia to Qatar, from S. Korea to Japan, from Ireland to Bermuda. Strangely, only Israel’s advocacy seems to concern her. Hmmm. She also suggests that criticism of her is only because she a Muslim. Classic! The anti-Semite becomes the victim. Sorry lady. It’s not “about the Benjamins.” It’s about the Jews. It’s not about our lack of respect for your religion. It’s about your intolerance for ours. 

For years, I’ve heard from Palestinians, the media, and the UN, “There can be no peace until they end the occupation.” So, this would appear to be an issue over territory, right? Wrrrrong! It’s about, ready?…………………………………..the Palestinian people!! Here’s the argument: Israel’s historical claim to Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem are tied to the persecution of the Palestinian people. As the anti-Semite tells it, “occupation” IS persecution. Persecution is evil. Therefore, Israel is evil, the settlements prevent peace, and Israel is an apartheid nation. And, oh yes,…………………………………………………..no thinking required!! Newsflash and a dose of reality. Ending the occupation begins with ending terrorism. It begins with ending the bounties on killing Israelis. It begins with peace talks with the only legitimate democracy in the Middle East. It begins with recognizing that “end the occupation” is not a plea to protect the Palestinian people, but to keep them enslaved by their own govt. It begins with admitting that those who shout “end the occupation” really mean end Israel’s existence as a JEWISH STATE. Again, anti-Semitism, pure and simple.

Anti-Semitism changes because there is no good reason for it, only excuses. Although all the excuses have 3 things in common, need, bias, and ignorance, sometimes it can be hard to recognize. Use the 3Ds. They work

“When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism.”

                                                             Martin Luther King

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