Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

I was impressed by our conversation this morning. Anti-Semitism takes on a new face when it’s in your face. Parenthood takes many forms. This time you ask me for a rational explanation for irrational behavior—whew! To start, anti-Semitism is not an ideology. It is an endless stream of contradictions understood only by the anti-Semite. Jews can be too liberal, too conservative, too passive, too pushy, too cheap, too spendthrift, too religious, too secular, too rich, too poor, capitalist or communist, depending on what he needs us to be. We are an easy target for killing Jesus, the Black Plague, blood libel, Elders of Zion, problems in Russia, Germany, Spain, England, or Gaza. We’re quite versatile, aren’t we? Whatever the problem du jour, it’s our fault. Truth, reality, common sense have no meaning to the anti-Semite. He is very comfortable blaming someone else. I’ll say this for anti-Semitism. It’s the longest lasting belief in history. Ever since Pharaoh decided to drown Hebrew babies 3000 years ago because they might, one day, grow up and rebel, it takes whatever form it needs to survive. It’s like a virus. Viruses survive by mutating—and so does anti-Semitism. We were first hated because we were a people—later because we were a religion—and still later, because we were a race. Now, we are hated because we are a nation. 

The word anti-Semitism wasn’t coined until 1879,  and only then because a new word was needed. It’s their race. Here’s the “reasoning.” If we hate them because of their religion, they can convert—an escape clause.  But, if they were born Jewish—aha—no escape. You are born evil and can be blamed for any and all of the world’s evils from AIDS to global warming. Today, in Gaza, the issue is the legitimacy of a Jewish State in Israel. But the excuse, this time, is human rights. Jews (or Israelis—no, they mean Jews) are accused of racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity. They will admit, reluctantly, that Israel has a right to defend itself—but, apparently, only if they don’t do it too well. Never mind Israel left Gaza voluntarily in 2005 using its own soldiers to uproot Israeli settlers, sometimes with force. Never mind there was no blockade at that time. Never mind the Charter of their new neighbors does not call for a 2 state solution but the “obliteration” of Israel and the killing of all Jews (not Israelis) all over the world. Never mind they were give billions in aid ($500 million/year by the US) to build hospitals, schools, roads, infrastructure, and an economy and used the $ instead to build tunnels and rockets—which they hid in schools, homes, and hospitals and then used them to attack Israel and target civilians! Gaza is a democracy. The people elected terrorists to govern. Somehow, somehow this is all Israel’s fault. Oh yes, the Palestinian civilians being killed—horrible.

First, the #s are provided by the Palestinian Health Ministry—Hmmm. Everyone agrees that the Gazan military is no match for the Israeli military. If Israel wanted to target civilians, they could send a squadron of F-16s and carpet bomb Gaza. War over by dawn. Instead, they send leaflets, texts, and use social media to warn the population of impending targets. They send ground forces, risking their own soldiers, to avoid civilian casualties. Palestinian leaders tell their own people to stay and be killed in the name of Allah. They sacrifice their own citizens for a photo-op. They are confirming their own statements that they are ultimately going to win because “we value death more than you value life.” They can’t win a ground war but they can win a PR war. And they’re right! The world buys it! World -wide demonstrations, UN resolutions. “Poor Palestinians. It’s genocide. It’s those Jews. They’re at it again.”

So, what can you do? First, understand the anti-Semite. He needs to hate to cover his own weakness, problems, and underachievement. Anti-Semitism is always partnered with ignorance. The difference between genius and ignorance is that genius has limitations. He is either not interested in what you have to say or doesn’t even hear what you say. So, you’re not going to change his mind. Give it up. Perhaps the most important thing you can do is not internalize it. It’s not your fault! Hate cannot be cured by the hated!! It’s been tried. It doesn’t work. Bottom Line: we have been hated for 3,000 years because we are different. But, (ready?) we have also survived because we are different. Treasure that difference. In spite of impossible odds—exiles, crusades, pogroms, and holocausts—we have survived. Hated/ survived, same reason. I don’t know. Maybe we are hated because we have survived. Hmmm. I guess it’s not easy being  “a light unto nations.” But we were chosen for that job by someone who knows more than we do. 

Golda Meir (one of my favorite people ever) was asked about the Arab/Israeli conflict and when it will end. She said: “We can forgive them for killing our children. It’s more difficult to forgive them for making us kill theirs. It will end when they realize they love their children more than they hate us.”   -Dad

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