Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Half Truths

Is Trump really a racist? I looked up the definition of “racist” in the liberal/socialist/fake news/I’m running for president dictionary. According to it, a racist is “anyone who disagrees with us.” There was an * at the bottom of the page. It said, ”We reserve the right to take out of context, misquote, or spin the news as needed.”

In this case, not only is Trump a racist, but so are all of his supporters.

When did Trump-the-racist 1st appear? His comments have become legendary. Mexican immigrants are rapists, the Muslin ban, attacked NFL players for protests, shit hole remarks, etc. I could discuss any, or all, of these. But, I think it was during the 2016 election when he called for secure borders, “THE WALL,” it really started. It gained momentum on August 15, 2017 with his comments on Charlottesville. They became the poster child for his “racism.” 

There is attack on truth and memory in this country. One thing we depend on journalists for is separating fact from fiction. When they get the facts wrong, that’s bad. When they get the facts wrong, and know they’re wrong, that’s worse. When they get the fact wrong, and know they’re wrong and repeat them ad nauseam, they fail to meet their responsibility that comes with freedom of the press and are guilty of journalistic malfeasance. When I grew up, racism was taken very seriously. Its abuse renders it frivolous and indifferent.

8/13/17, Charlottesville, Va. A group of white supremacists held a white pride rally to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E Lee. ANTIFA showed up to counter protest. Shockingly, violence ensued. From all the chaos, one phrase is remembered. “Trump describes neo-Nazis as ‘very fine people.’” Slight, inconvenient problem. He never said that! This quote refers to another group of opposing protesters, ordinary citizens. “You also had some very fine people on both sides….I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They should be condemned totally.”(Notice the quotation marks. That’s what he actually said). It was universally spun to make Trump appear a racist. The scandal of Charlottesville is not what Trump said but what the media said he said. The current definition of “news” is presenting opinions, as if they were facts, to promote an agenda. We have to live with the consequences.

LISTEN @ 1:50, 7:00, 8:25, 10:55, 11:55

We live in a world where we cannot depend on getting news from one source. We are fortunate, however, to also live in a world where information is easily accessible from many sources. It is our responsibility to find them and reach conclusions that are accurate, impartial, and without agenda. Unfortunately, it’s not easy to tell the difference. 

“A ½ truth is a whole lie.” -Ethel Rapaport (My Grandma)

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