Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

In these days of assaults on free speech, useless impeachments, and numerous life changing executive orders (I intend to deal with those another time), an under the radar appointment was made that has far reaching consequences.

I’m sure you all know by now that I am fiercely pro-Israel……fiercely. Continuing Obama’s anti- Israel policies and actions, Biden has named Maher Bitar as the Senior Director for Intel on the NSC. Who is he? And so what?

He is a former executive board member of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). He worked for UNRWA, an anti-Israel UN organization. He is the author of “Ethnic Cleansing and the Falling Apart of Palestinian Society” and “Nakba” (literally, disaster. May 15, Israeli Independence Day). Some of his quotes include Israel’s “political existence is the cause for Palestinian dispossession and statelessness.” AND “Israel’s rejection of their right of return remains the main obstacle to finding a durable solution.” So much more but my head is exploding. An anti-Semite of the 1st order. 

In his new position, he will coordinate intel between the White House and the intel community, receive material from intel agencies, decide who gets access to secret info, and, in effect, define foreign policy for the Biden administration.  He, of course, has access to some of the most classified info around. In under a decade, Bitar has gone from anti-Israel activist, BDS supporter, and calling for the destruction of Israel too shaping American intel and foreign policy.

How bad is this? Well, any effort to take out Iran’s nuclear program will be closely monitored and probably sabotaged. Israel sharing intel will be compromised. Pro-Israel legislators can expect to be spied upon (just as Obama did to members of Congress who spoke to Netanyahu about his Iran Deal).

This appointment has larger implications that go far beyond Israel. Policy battles aren’t won at the executive level, but at the personnel level. The Left keeps winning these battles because it understands that having people in positions to make policy matters more than elections. Left unchallenged, more such appointments can be expected in other venues to accomplish the Left’s agenda. 

This administration, in the 1st week, has returned to Obama’s anti-Israel policies. This abandonment of Israel is exacerbated by the ineptitude of pro-Israel advocates in government and the private sector. Where are AIPAC, ADL, Christians United for Israel? So far, mia.

Message to AOC, Tlaib, Omar, and Pressley. You need not concern yourselves that the “Jewish” lobby is controlling American foreign policy.

Whatever control you think they have, they are doing a lousy job. I challenge members of Congress and pro-Israel groups to inform Joe that he, and whoever is telling him what to sign, what to say, and who to appoint, you are being watched and will be held accountable. 

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