Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Whole Truth???

I used to debate in High School and college……in competition. The best thing your opponent could for you is to make a factual mistake. Then, everything else he/she says is wrong. Last night Kamala was well prepared for Mike’s bringing up the “packing the court” question……..or so she thought. She offered her own history lesson using Lincoln. It was 27 days before the election. Chief Justice Chaney died. Lincoln had a friendly Senate. The appointment was his for the asking. However, Honest Abe said “It’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision…” Hmmm, really? Kamala, Kamala, “the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” Sound familiar?

And now, here’s the rrrrrrrrest of the story.

It was 27 days before the election. A vacancy on the Supreme Court. I’m afraid there were other, political factors that guided Honest Abe’s decision not to name a replacement. Chaney wrote the majority opinion for the infamous Dred Scott decision declaring that Blacks had no rights Whites had to honor. His choice of candidates had diametrically opposite views on the subject. It was 1864. The Civil War was raging. Abe would not put out a list. Any nomination would split the party (sound familiar?). Besides, the Senate was out of session and didn’t reconvene until December. He made no nomination, kept his coalition together and was re-elected. Imagine… politics….even then.

“People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.” -Otto von Bismarck

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