Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

Things have been happening fast & furious since the 2020 election.

In no special order: An election won by fraud, unconstitutional rule changes, and judicial cowardice. Would Trump retaliate? If so, how and when? Georgia. Dem control of both Houses gives them unfettered power to enact their socialist agenda. A useless 2nd impeachment. A Capitol Building assault. Very brief comments on each because there’s something else that needs to be discussed.

If anyone doesn’t understand, by now, that the Presidential election was stolen, there’s little more I can say to convince you. But, consider: stopping the count, mail-ins, no witnesses, there were more votes cast than there were registered voters, changing votes, dead people voting, statistical impossibilities, foreign interference, computer tampering, and media fraud. Voter fraud in this country is not new. It’s also not a conspiracy theory. The fact that it is accepted as truth and without consequence reminds us of Stalin, Chavez, Maduro, Kim Jong Un, and Putin.

Rumors of Trump’s response were flying off social media and podcasts. Everything from Insurrection Act to Marshall Law to getting Biden to concede by threatening to expose Hunter………….. Nothing!!

Stacy Abrams held up over 1 million unverified ballots. Virtually 0% were rejected. Hmmm. 

Dems control the White House and both congressional Houses. How far left will they go? Increase taxes: wealth, personal, capital gains, social security, corporate, loss of 401k deferment. Single payer health, green stuff, tuition forgiveness (a lie), free public colleges (another lie), state and local bailouts, eliminate electoral college, pack the Court, 2 new dem states. It’s all about control. The message: Citizens, give up control of your healthcare, education, energy costs, jobs, retirement, right to vote, free speech. We the government, not We the people, can do a better job. The problem, of course, is that in doing so, you also give up your personal freedom and ambition. Watch as we are led down the yellow brick road to Greece and Venezuela.

The 1st impeachment was brought with charges that contained no crimes. The 2nd was brought without discussion or evidence. The excuse was the President was responsible for an incitement to insurrection. Hmmm, really? 

Perfect segue to the loudest recent headline, the assault on the Capital Building. We are to believe that a man who had dozens of peaceful rallies of up to 50k, supporters who engaged in dozens of truly peaceful protests, a man who started no wars and ended three, who brought troops home, and was responsible for Middle East peace, incited a riot!! All this while there WAS violence, looting, vandalism, and assaults in dem strongholds. All these under a cloak of “a summer of love.” Where was the outrage? Where was the accountability? Where were the calls for impeachment of mayors and governors who watched without consequence? Will Kamala be impeached for her encouragement and aiding the looters (raised $ to post bail)? Will Waters be impeached for her, “If you see anyone from that cabinet….you push back and tell them they’re not wanted.” Or Schumer “I want to tell you Gorsuch; I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released a whirlwind and you will pay the price.” We now know that the riot was planned, not spontaneous. The FBI had intel days before. It occurred almost simultaneously with Trump’s speech. Please explain to me how you are spontaneously incited to a riot that was planned by a speech you haven’t heard yet?

“Together we are determined to defend and preserve govt of the people, by the people, and for the people…Peacefully and politically make your voices heard.” Falls short of “give me liberty or give me death.” Hey Liz, et al, spare me your righteousness indignation, voting hate before country. All reps who voted to impeach, apologize or resign!!

Each of these deserves its own full article. The above was me being brief. There’s another issue, more important, more catastrophic, more tragic. It’s effects will change the fabric of our country……………….permanently. Part 2, soon.

“The secret to tyranny lies in keeping the people ignorant.” -Robespierre

PS: By the way, I place blame for the assault. I place it on those above mentioned mayors and governors, on a complicit media that excused and condoned violence. Violence condoned is violence encouraged. I blame it on a system that failed 75 million voters. Not heard in government. Not heard in the courts. Not heard on social media. Not heard at the ballot box. Whose voice was heard? Antifa and BLM. Violence is the only recourse left. Lesson learned. 

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