Facts and Opinions From a US Citizen

I was chuckling recently about the media coverage of Dr. Ben Carson openly admitting he had a violent temper as a youth. They really outdid themselves.

“I stabbed my friend and threatened my mother with a knife.”

Now, the liberal, mainstream media, usually hot on the trail of any dirt they can find on any Rep, this time, told Carson he must be wrong, dreamt it. Never happened. “We can’t verify it.” Nothing he could say or do could convince them what a rotten kid he was. How frustrating for him.

It started me thinking……. So, did you hear the one about the Radical Islamic Terrorist (RIT) and the Regressive Lefty (RL)? The two were sitting on a bench.

The RIT was reading his Koran:

RL- Excuse me, sir. What are you reading?

RIT- It’s my holy text. My Koran.

RL- Is it really important to you?

RIT – Of course. It tells me to convert everyone or kill them if they refuse to follow it dictates. I am devoted to it. I have killed many because of it.

RL- No you didn’t.

RIT- I’m sorry. What?

RL- Your killing has nothing to do with your Koran. There are other social and political reasons that are the real cause.

RIT- What?!! Did I miss a meeting? Haven’t you watched us on you tube? We cut off heads. We burn people alive. We shout Allahu Akbar. We quote from the Koran to justify our actions. This is jihad. A crusade for the glory of Allah!!

RL- Uh, nope. This just isn’t a Muslim thing. And you’re not really a Muslim.

RIT- Whaaat?!! Who the hell are you to tell me I’m not a Muslim? I live my life by the words of the Prophet.

RL- Nope. Society created you. It installed a social and economic system that alienated and disenfranchised you. Even our Secy of State said that Charlie Hebdo was “legitimate” and he understood its “rationale.” And, speaking for society, we apologize.

RIT- What? You’re apologizing? We slaughter you in the streets. We intentionally target civilians, women, and children. And you think it’s because we’re alienated and disenfranchised?

RL- Listen. It’s our fault. We don’t blame you.

RIT- Is there a hidden camera somewhere? Is this being taped? Look, for the last time, we worked really hard for this. It’s important for the pagans and infidels to believe us, to fear us, to change their lives because of us. Please, don’t take this away from us.

RL- Nope. I have to be firm here. We fed your extremism. We accept full responsibility and we are sorry.

RIT- (just staring in disbelief; to himself, in a whisper) How many people do we have to kill to get the truth out?

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